Boy's Life by Robert R. McCammon
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buy Boy's Life by Robert R. McCammon at AmazonAuthor: Robert R. McCammon
Release date: May, 1992
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0671743058
Mr. McCammon, where are you?
I hadn't thought about "Boy's Life" for quite a while. Suddenly, one day while just browsing, it came to me. Where is Robert McCammon? The last thing I remember was "Gone South." Did he give up writing? After writing "Boy's Life," was he suddenly drained? It got me to think again on "Boy's Life." It's a perfect book. I read it years ago, when it first came out. I had read his other books, especially liking "Swan Song" and "Mine." I didn't know what to expect with "Boy's Life." When I finished it, I immediately sent it around the family. Some of those scenes, I still visualize. The little kid who has to move away throwing the baseball way, way out of sight. The last day of school before summer, when the kids take flight. The "living" bicycle with the "eye" for a headlight. I have never read a book that really addresses the magic of being a boy. Just the thought of it makes me want to read it again, which is something I rarely do. Do yourself a favor. Buy this book, read it, let your friends read it. Leave it around for others to read. It's a magical reading experience. Mr. McCammon, if you read this, write more. - an Amazon customer review
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