Bloodwars by Brian Lumley
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buy Bloodwars by Brian Lumley at AmazonAuthor: Brian Lumley
Release date: November, 1995
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0812536282
Not what I remembered from the original series
I read the original books when Harry Keogh was the protagonist. I have to say that I was dissappointed in this one. It didn't have the same pull as the others. There was something about the writing that just gets annoying after awhile, can't put my finger on any one thing though. I guess it almost seems comic book like in a way. Maybe it could be that I went too long between books and forgot his style of writing.When I don't anticipate getting to read more and don't think about what will happen next during the day, that's usually a sign that the book needs to go. - an Amazon customer review
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