Benchley Lost and Found: Thirty-Nine Prodigal Pieces by Peter Benchley
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buy Benchley Lost and Found: Thirty-Nine Prodigal Pieces by Peter Benchley at AmazonAuthor: Carl Gottlieb
Release date: January, 1980
Media: Paperback
ISBN: 0486224104
Benchley's 1930s magazine pieces are still fresh and funny
If you like Robert Benchley, you won't be disappointed by these 39 short stories which had never been anthologized before. If you don't know Benchley, you're in for a fun read, as Mr. B. shares his wistful memories (candy stores don't seem the same anymore; bicycles are due for a comeback); wishful thinking (why fog makes English racing a mockery, how to improve taxi service in the city); and pet peeves (why people spend so much time waiting in line, why modern children's books are so dull). Many of today's humorists owe a great deal to Robert Benchley's witty, slice-of-life style. The illustrations, typical of the '20s, are by Peter Arno and Adam John Barth, among others. - an Amazon customer review
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