Belinda by Anne Rice
Horror Author Home > Anne Rice > Belinda

buy Belinda by Anne Rice at AmazonAuthor: Katherine Ramsland
Release date: September, 1994
Media: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 0515093556
I've always considered Exit to Eden (also by Anne Rice/Rampling) to be one of the most romantic books I'd ever read. I don't know why it took me so long to ever get to reading Belinda. I can't stand extremely "mushy" books; the passion in this book in terms of "true love" is just incredible. Don't let the fact that Belinda is underaged disuade you from reading this book. It's hardly a factor at all in her personality, only in the plotline, as it would be in real life.I don't usually write online reviews on Amazon, but this book was so wonderful, I feel I had to share my opinion and encourage others to read Belinda. - an Amazon customer review
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