Beauty's Punishment by Anne Rice
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buy Beauty's Punishment by Anne Rice at AmazonAuthor: Anne Rice
Release date: May, 1999
Media: Paperback
ISBN: 0452281431
The Beauty Trilogy - A Clever idea ... but falls short.
Anne Rice was on the right track with her refreshing notion to put an erotic spin to a beloved fairy tale, yet unfortunately, fell short of my expectations. For instance, none of the characters' personalities ever quite fully developed, leaving little chance to connect with any of them. The story was flat with no spark, no passion, no ability to "feel" anything other than, "Oh, no! Not another spanking!" I give Anne 3 stars out of respect for her as an author and her clever approach, but there is so much more to erotica than beatings. For those of you who would truly love to experience erotica at it's best, I highly recommend Miranda Reigns' newly released novel, CyberWebs. Miranda's descriptive writing and vivid imagination will transport you into the heart of the story, allowing you to see, hear, smell, taste and feel all that Miranda does and has done to her. - an Amazon customer review
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